- Spectre GCR

Karta przeznaczona dla komputerów serii MegaST. Na karcie
znajdują się dwa porty Appletalk oraz port SCSI. Jak na razie wiem
tylko, że działa to z widocznym powyżej emulatorem Spectre, można
wówczas bezpośrednio podłączać napędy przeznaczone dla
komputerów firmy Apple. Niektóre programy komunikacyjne
na Atari, także potrafią korzystać z portów Appletalk.
MegaTalk (SCSI and serial communications board)
The Gadgets MegaTalk board is a multifunction expansion board for Atari Mega ST computers. MegaTalk plugs into the Mega's expansion slot, has two serial ports and a Mac SCSI port...With our fully compatible BIOS drivers, you can connect up to three serial devices to the ST at the same time. For instance, using Strata Softwares' STalker DA, we've connected three modems to one ST, and connected to CompuServe, GEnie, and BIX - all at the same time!
The MegaTalk is capable of exceptional speed - up to 921,600 baud (92,160 cps). The BIOS software which goes in your AUTO folder, allows ST software at usual baud rates (110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200). You can kick in second gear, starting with 38,400 and go to 57,600. For those industrial strength transfers, put it in overdrive and run at 230,400 baud (Appletalk speed), 460,800 or 921,000 baud!
It is compatible with the upcoming TT high-speed serial port, and is
base on the same Zilog SCC chip. If/when Atari releases a network for the TT, MegaTalk should plug in; we already support the Atari Lan specification. In the meantime, we are providing info to Atari developers so they can adapt some of the present ST networks to MegaTalk, to let you share resources (hard disks,laser printers, etc.) between several machines.
The MegaTalk ports are 100% Mac ready; you can plug straight into any Mac peripheral. It works like you think; plug in your Mac mini DIN-8 cables, run Spectre 3.0, select "LaserWriter" from Chooser, and start printing. Or plug into a Mac network and use it, including file servers, LocalTalk Postscript printers, and so on...
In addition, for the first time ever, Mac MIDI programs now work with Spectre GCR, with standard Mac MIDI interfaces. We have tested both the Apple and Passport MIDI interfaces, and they both work fine, as well as many popular Mac MIDI programs, like Finale, Vision, Master Tracks Pro, and Beyond.
The MegaTalk SCSI port has the same 25-pin connector you'd find on a Mac Plus or any Mac. Just plug in your Mac hard disk, and/or any other SCSI peripheral and off you go. It's that easy!
Besides hard disk, we've also tested a ThunderWare LightningScan hand scanner; it works fine. And we've plugged in a Mac CD-ROM drive; we now have gigabytes of Mac software handy.
The MegaTalk retails for $299.95 each; a pair of MegaTalk boards retail for $549; you save $50!
MegaTalk (SCSI and serial communications board)
The Gadgets MegaTalk board is a multifunction expansion board for Atari Mega ST computers. MegaTalk plugs into the Mega's expansion slot, has two serial ports and a Mac SCSI port...With our fully compatible BIOS drivers, you can connect up to three serial devices to the ST at the same time. For instance, using Strata Softwares' STalker DA, we've connected three modems to one ST, and connected to CompuServe, GEnie, and BIX - all at the same time!
The MegaTalk is capable of exceptional speed - up to 921,600 baud (92,160 cps). The BIOS software which goes in your AUTO folder, allows ST software at usual baud rates (110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200). You can kick in second gear, starting with 38,400 and go to 57,600. For those industrial strength transfers, put it in overdrive and run at 230,400 baud (Appletalk speed), 460,800 or 921,000 baud!
It is compatible with the upcoming TT high-speed serial port, and is
base on the same Zilog SCC chip. If/when Atari releases a network for the TT, MegaTalk should plug in; we already support the Atari Lan specification. In the meantime, we are providing info to Atari developers so they can adapt some of the present ST networks to MegaTalk, to let you share resources (hard disks,laser printers, etc.) between several machines.
The MegaTalk ports are 100% Mac ready; you can plug straight into any Mac peripheral. It works like you think; plug in your Mac mini DIN-8 cables, run Spectre 3.0, select "LaserWriter" from Chooser, and start printing. Or plug into a Mac network and use it, including file servers, LocalTalk Postscript printers, and so on...
In addition, for the first time ever, Mac MIDI programs now work with Spectre GCR, with standard Mac MIDI interfaces. We have tested both the Apple and Passport MIDI interfaces, and they both work fine, as well as many popular Mac MIDI programs, like Finale, Vision, Master Tracks Pro, and Beyond.
The MegaTalk SCSI port has the same 25-pin connector you'd find on a Mac Plus or any Mac. Just plug in your Mac hard disk, and/or any other SCSI peripheral and off you go. It's that easy!
Besides hard disk, we've also tested a ThunderWare LightningScan hand scanner; it works fine. And we've plugged in a Mac CD-ROM drive; we now have gigabytes of Mac software handy.
The MegaTalk retails for $299.95 each; a pair of MegaTalk boards retail for $549; you save $50!
- Vortex ATonce

VORTEX ATonce to oczywiście sprzętowy emulator komputera PC AT
(procesor 286). Na kolejnych fotkach widać: płytka emulatora, płyta
Mega 1 z przygotowaną podstawką na procesorze oraz całość po
- (PC XT) SuperCharger by beta systems

a tak od środka:

- (PC XT) PC Speed